Sew With Me

Creating a Pirate Cats EGL Skirt – Part 2

This is a continuation from part one.

~>: Part 2 :<~

Alright, so the pocket pieces are mostly ready, but now I need to cut out the main skirt. I’m a tall human, standing at 5’9″, so I like my “short” skirts to be in the range of 26 to 30 inches long. Ideally, I’d like this skirt to come out to about 28 inches in length.

To start off, I trimmed away the selvedge along the border side of the fabric, leaving a small amount of the unprinted edge, since the print area under the cat frames isn’t quite enough to do my normal 3/8″ double turned hem. Once it’s fully turned under and finished, no one will see the white edge.

I doubled over the fabric with the print facing up, trimmed away the cut edges to the print, and evened out my edges so that everything would be the same for cutting away the top of the stripes to the length I needed.

Since I want this to end up around 28 inches long, I need to take into account the seam allowances and my waistband. Honestly, cutting it down to 28 inches should work!

I measured my length, marked it periodically with chalk, solidified my cut line with the chalk, and cut!

….at 30 inches.

Not yet realizing my stupid mistake, I cut my side seam to get two pieces for my main skirt.

Here’s where I realized I messed up. And y’know what? Oh well! Maybe I can add some pintucks to shorten the overall length to what I wanted.

For my waistband, I wanted to try something different. I usually make my waistbands fully drawstring waists, with gathering around the entire band. But this time, I want to have a smooth front with a gathered drawstring back. So I cut three pieces from selvedge to selvedge, 4 inches wide.

After that, I trimmed away the non-printed edges, and cut down the front piece to half of my waist measurement.

At this point, I hadn’t yet decided what color of lining fabric to use–debating between gold or ivory–so I skipped that for now. I can cut it out after I sew most of the rest of this up and can set the in-progress skirt somewhere other than my cutting table more easily. Next up… sewing!

Continued in Part 3

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  1. […] This is a continuation from part two. […]

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